Wish List_See All Benefits

Maximize Efficiency with a Wishlist

Curate and personalize your collection of resources. Save and share your favorite references and assets in a Wish List, simplifying future access and project planning.





Organize, Prioritize, and Share


A wishlist offers several practical benefits, especially when it comes to managing resources for creative projects or shopping:



Keeps all your desired items or references in one easily accessible place,

helping you stay organized and track what you need or want next.



Allows you to prioritize which items or resources you want to acquire first,

helping with budgeting and project planning.



Enables you to share your list with friends, family, or team members, which is useful for collaborative projects,

or getting feedback on potential purchases.




With the “Add to wish list” button in detail product view, users can effortlessly add items to their wish lists while exploring the 3D.sk platform.


Or alternatively by clicking Heart icon in the list of products view. This simplifies the process of saving and keeping track of preferred items.


#03 Choose Thumbnail or List Options

Switch between viewing results as image thumbnails or in a category list, ensuring you find what you need in the format that suits you best.

#04 Dive Deeper with Cross-Portal Icons

Explore further by clicking the small grey icons depicting people in various poses. This feature shows you cross-portal results for each model, offering a comprehensive view of all available assets.


Digital Double References


Explore over 1200 male and female models with our "All Available Assets" feature, highlighting the depth of our 20-year archive. To enhance your experience, we've selected several models and showcased them using our Digital Double format